857_Socorro_Crosswalks at East Entrance (where stop sign needs to go west).r.JPG
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Services Provided Include

  • Assistance with Funding Applications
  • Planning
  • Mapping
  • Surveying
  • Assistance with Easement Acquisition
  • Design
  • Bidding
  • Construction Observation
  • Assistance with Closing Documentation

Road Rehabilitation and Drainage

City of Socorro

DΞC assisted the City of Socorro with New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) and Capital Outlay funds for improvements to Fairgrounds Road.  This multi-phased project has included street, curb, drainage enhancements, and sidewalk.

Fairgrounds Road as a complete project connects the Rodeo Complex to NMSR 1 and the northern portion of Socorro, supporting local sports, entertainment, and economic growth.

To accommodate the City according to the available funds, this project was divided into four phases. For each phase, NMDOT’s Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) funds were secured and in some phases, Capital Outlay funds were used as match.

The first phase was rehabilitation of the intersection of Fairgrounds Road and County Road, connecting to the Rodeo Complex, with resurfacing, sidewalk, and curb, completed in 2016. The second phase included approximately 700 lf of resurfacing with curb, gutter, sidewalk and retaining wall, completed in 2017. The third phase included approximately 870 lf of resurfacing with curb, gutter, and sidewalk, completed in 2018. The final phase included approximately 2,850 lf of resurfacing with corrugated metal pipes, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, completed in 2020.

In total, we assisted the city in securing over $1.7 million for over 4,500 linear feet of pavement. This roads now benefits the local community and Socorro’s economy by providing safe access to the Rodeo for vehicles and pedestrians, and the curb and gutter protects against flooding during heavy rains. 

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