Systematic collection and treatment of wastewater is 1039_Sewerline crossing at bridge.dessential to growing communities.

DΞC is here to provide professional services to assist communities with wastewater system for your current and future needs from conception to operation.

The following are some of our specialties for wastewater systems. For detailed examples, check out our wastewater project examples and our photo gallery.

Wastewater Collection
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DΞC designs your wastewater collection system based on your community’s needs, including addressing new systems, existing systems, and extensions to additional properties. Based on the expected wastewater collection, we determine the optimal sewer line depth, size, manhole placement, and appurtenances. We aim to minimize your costs, facilitate routine maintenance, and improve your system’s longevity, by taking a detailed and practical approach.


Wastewater, Lift Station (2), 909.dwnszd

Manhole and Collection Line Rehabilitation

Wastewater is often reactive, causing corrosion to an existing sewer system over time. DΞC works with you and your operators to determine the best approach to rehabilitating your system, including using closed-circuit television (CCTV) videos of your lines to determine the condition of each sewer line. We offer a wide knowledge of repair options, assisting you in completing the most cost effective and efficient solution for your community.

Wastewater, Treatment Facility (2).dwnszdLift Stations

When there are large changes in elevation within a sewer line, gravity lines and forcemains may not be enough. In these cases, DΞC incorporates into your design lift stations to address your needs, including safety features such as back-up generators. We work with you to develop a system that allows for growth and expansion, while operating as needed 24/7.

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

DΞC covers different types of wastewater treatment facilities, including lagoons and wastewater treatment plants. We address your community’s needs, working with treatment sites of all sizes and types of equipment. We develop new treatment sites and incorporate new equipment into existing sites. We also assist in start-up training for operators, creating a smooth transition between project completion and operation. Our knowledge and expertise provides you with long lasting and cost effective treatment facilities, while meeting environmental standards.

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Effluent Reuse Facilities

DΞC works with your community to make the most of your system, including reuse of wastewater effluent, a cost effective way to reduce water usage. We design your system to meet the water quality requirements of your desired effluent use from watering grass in public spaces to agriculture and construction.



6020 Indian School NE

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113C Abeyta Avenue

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We are proud that many
New Mexico communities have selected us to be their civil engineering firm of record.

We are available to be on-call,
and at your service.

To find out how we can
maximize your budget,
plan and design your projects,
and access resources,
click on the link below.



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