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Services Provided Include:

  • Assistance with Funding Applications
  • Planning
  • Surveying
  • Assistance with Easement Acquisition
  • Assistance with Permitting
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Design
  • Bidding
  • Construction Observation
  • Assistance with Closing Documentation

Water Storage and Distribution

Town of Red River

DΞC assisted the Town of Red River in acquiring DWSRLF funding for replacing pipes, rehabilitation of two tanks and a new tank. These initial funds covered over 1800 lf of new pipe, a new booster pump station, one tank rehabilitation, the Upper Hatch tank, and a new tank, the Prospector tank.

The new water line included directional boring, 8” and 12” PVC, gate valves, fire hydrants, and ¾” SDR 9 service lines plus street resurfacing after installing the water lines.

For the tank rehabilitation, we planned, designed, completed bidding and negotiations, and aided construction and close-out for the Town’s 17,500 gal ground tank, the Upper Hatch. Coating & Corrosion Specialists, Inc. completed a N.A.C.E. inspection, which detailed the proper surface preparation and coating for both the interior and exterior of the tank, as well as any necessary improvements to bring the tank into compliance with AWWA standards.

Using the information from the inspection, we were able to create a more detailed and accurate design. This led to minimizing changes in construction cost and time for the tank rehabilitation as well as the project as a whole.

In order to extend the funds further to cover the second tank rehabilitation, the 1,250,000 gal ground tank, the Pioneer tank, we helped the Town apply for WTB funds, using the previously awarded DWSRLF to cover the match requirements. With these additional funds, DΞC will complete the design for the Pioneer tank rehabilitation with construction projected to begin late Spring.

These additional funds will also provide a hydrodynamic mixing system in each of the three tanks, the Upper Hatch, the Pioneer, and the Prospector.

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