To identify the needs of the Village of Reserve Water System, we completed the update to the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). The PER identifies projects and recommendations for improvement to the Village’s Water System and is required by most funding agencies for municipalities to apply for assistance.
DΞC assisted the Village with the funding application process by compiling documents requested in the Letter of Conditions and coordination of the Environmental Report to meet the requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture- Rural Development (USDA-RD) funding application process. The Village received funding in the amount of $1,619,300.00 from USDA-RD to begin to construct the recommended projects identified in the PER.
Once the funding agreement was received, we proceeded in assisting with the design, bidding and construction management of the new 350,000 gallon Water Storage Tank Project, the Water Distribution & Transmission Improvements Project, and the Secondary Production Well Project.
We designed and constructed these projects simultaneously to provide the Village with needed water supply and water storage. The Water Storage Tank Project included coordination with the USDA-Forest Service for acquiring a Special Use Authorization Permit to install the tank and lines on USDA forest lands. The secondary production well did not produce sufficient water and was not placed into service.
We proceeded to assist the Village in identifying a new location, acquiring land, and the design for a secondary well at an alternate location. This project completed the new secondary production well including a transmission line, new chlorination system and electrical upgrades.