Our goal is to provide professional services to New Mexico communities to make safe and reliable potable water accessible to all.
Using our expertise and experience in working with New Mexico municipalities and counties, we develop designs catered to your specific needs. We work to create new water systems and to improve existing water infrastructure. We provide services for water projects from planning to construction.
The following are some of our specialties for water systems. For detailed examples, visit our featured water PROJECTs and our photo GALLERY in the See Our Work page.
DΞC addresses development of both new and existing water sources from streams to wells. We work with you to determine the specific needs of your water source from casing and piping to pump capacity. We analyze and assess your existing source and system to determine the most efficient and cost-effective plan of action.
With water sources identified and developed, DΞC is available to provide engineering services for transmission to a storage tank and/or distribution system. In the planning phase, we use hydraulic analysis to determine the optimal design for your system. We work closely with your community’s operators to create a transmission line that accounts for current and future needs.
From new tanks to tank rehabilitation, DΞC covers all of your water storage needs. We design your tanks to meet American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards. We plan your project, taking into account your existing system’s demands and its projected needs. This includes communicating with your water system operator to determine how to minimize water flow interruption during construction, limiting any inconvenience for residents and businesses.
With over 45 years of experience in New Mexico, DΞC is able to analyze and address your local system’s needs, designing and constructing long lasting distribution systems for your community. We take into account fire suppression, service lines, metering flow, pressure changes, and ease of maintenance. DΞC addresses your specific system and needs to create a project that will last for years to come.
When there is a decrease in water flow within your system , DΞC may incorporate a booster station to regulate water flow, keeping your system at optimal capacity.
We design booster stations according to your specific needs, taking into account your existing water system and the capacity of the existing pipes to minimize the strain on your system while optimizing output.
6020 Indian School NE
113C Abeyta Avenue
We are proud that many
New Mexico communities have selected us to be their civil engineering firm of record.
We are available to be on-call,
and at your service.
To find out how we can
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plan and design your projects,
and access resources,
click on the link below.